Hi, I am Maribeth - I have RA and newly diagnosed Fibromyalgia, and it has been 3 weeks since I have last taken medication - and I have to say, my body has never been in more pain! You will never hear me complain too much, as I HATE to even seem remotely vulnerable, but I can tell you, I am so not well! The most I can take right now is tylenol(tylenol doesn't do shit!) , or I could ironically take narcotics, which I have none of! My bigger problem right now, is the ignorance of others. I know alot of people just don't get it, but believe me when I say,"I can barely walk" - because I am not even exaggerating! Being off my meds for this long, has thrown me into a serious full fledged flare. Some have asked, "well, why don't you just put off your surgery?" To which I will answer: 1 - I have already put this surgery off, over a year. My tumor has grown, if I continue to put it off, the tumor will continue to grow and that will make for a more invasive surgery. 2 - Someone like me, who has the AI diseases I do, this is the way it goes. No matter when I have surgery, I have to go off my drugs for this length of time, or else I have increased chances of infection, and not healing - all of the drugs I take inhibit my ability to heal - they are Immuno Suppressants, look it up if you need further explanation. I knew what I was headed for, which is why you won't hear me really complain, except for right here.
Any who - surgery is Wednesday. I am very anxious about the pre-surgical stuff that needs to happen. I was with my mother every minute of her surgery for the same exact procedure, and it was a very long, hard day for her - I just hope mine goes better. I know I am lucky, I don't have Cancer, but it is the same exact surgery whether you do or don't. Going into this, already in very high pain, I just don't know what to expect - so please, good thoughts only!
Until next time, which will most likely be post surgery,
be well!
Any who - surgery is Wednesday. I am very anxious about the pre-surgical stuff that needs to happen. I was with my mother every minute of her surgery for the same exact procedure, and it was a very long, hard day for her - I just hope mine goes better. I know I am lucky, I don't have Cancer, but it is the same exact surgery whether you do or don't. Going into this, already in very high pain, I just don't know what to expect - so please, good thoughts only!
Until next time, which will most likely be post surgery,
be well!