Friday, February 21, 2014

I'm petrified of the condition I am going to be in over the next few Enbrel Injections for 6 weeks, last Saturday being the final one before surgery....

I met with my Rheumy team last week to go over my game plan as I prepare for the lumpectomy. Due to the medications suppressing my immune system, (all the medications I am on make it so my body would not be able to heal after surgery), I need to be off the Enbrel injection for 3 weeks prior, and 3 weeks post surgery.  I also need to be off the MTX shot for 2 weeks prior, as well as 2 weeks post surgery.  I have been in such bad shape the last 3 weeks with the flare, that I have had to up my steroid dose, I truly feel if I had not upped it, I would not be walking right now.  So, I also have to try and get lower, if not completely off of the steroid in the next 3 weeks.    Another downside to all of this, is at 12 weeks we would assess whether or not the Enbrel shot is working for me, but since I am at week 9, and won't be doing another injection for 6 weeks - I will basically have to start over after surgery, and see if this medication is truly helping. 

Are we not stuck in the winter that will never end?   Between the cold, and snow, I feel like my body has taken an extra beating.  I am never one to rush away the snow, as I truly adore it, but I can't wait for warmer, sunnier days. 

I am taking the next couple weeks before surgery to map out a new game plan, and when I am healed -  I am changing things.  I'm not happy right now and can't waste any more time - so with the Spring will bring change, I can't wait!

Until next time, be well!